Class Announcement! FIX IT, JESUS! Repurposing Self, Cliche, Tropes & Unexamined Bias for New Story

by LP Kindred

I am very proud to announce that I'm partnering with Clarion West to reprise my class, Fix It, Jesus! 

Originally facilitated as part of Afrofuturist Collective, Voodoonauts (on IG and Twitter, website forthcoming) Summer Workshop, FIJ, was an unmitigated hit. The stories it inspired are in revision and submission queues as we speak. 

In examining culture and self, we recalibrate a lens through which to see popular narrative and reframe it.

I just did a mock run of this class to make sure it's ready for a more diverse audience. AND IT IS!

There are only 40 spots so make sure you grab your grab your ticket now!

Speaking of Clarion West, check out the rest of their Autumnal Offerings!

Me and Yvette Lisa Ndlovu are taking Creating Anthologies with Lydia Rogue!

I'm also considering Usman Malik's Stealing Bones and Doctor Karen Lord's Mind Mapping the Narrative classes.

Plus, Jae Steinbacher is holding Co-Working for LGBTQIA+ Writers while Rashida J Smith is holding Pace Yourself: Timed Sprints! These two Clarion West staffers are holding these spaces free of charge.

Clarion West is about this SFF Writing Community Life. Find a way to show up or take a class or contribute to the annual Clarion West Write-a-thon.

Check out the classes offered this fall and look out for an announcement in mid-September!


What We’re Reading: Sept. 2020


Publication Announcement! From FIYAH to LeVAR BURTON READS!